Monday, January 7, 2008

Dr. Giannotti To Fix Arm Of Minister From Uganda

By Kate Day Sager--Olean Times Herald

COUDERSPORT, Pa. - In order for Rev. Fred Muyimbwa to sign a paper, he first has to lift his right arm with his left and position his hand for writing.

For the past two years, the 42-year-old pastor from Uganda has had to make other compensations for his arm, which was badly broken and never healed properly after a motorbike accident.

In the next several days, Rev. Muyimbwa will be on the way to full use of his right arm, and the ability to support his family again, thanks to the efforts of a local pastor and an orthopedic surgeon named Dr. Bradley Giannotti.

Last week, Rev. Muyimbwa flew into the United States to stay with Rev. Bob and Karen Schooley at their home in Rushford, N.Y., while awaiting surgery by Dr. Giannotti at Charles Cole Memorial Hospital in Coudersport. Rev. Muyimbwa said the surgery is nothing short of a "real miracle."

Read the rest of this story in Sunday's Times Herald.

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James Jones--Publisher
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